Monday, May 23, 2011

Photo A Day: Attempt #2

Ok, so the last time I tried a photo a day for a month, it bombed. I just crapped out, not really putting my heart into it. Well, this time around, I've got new toys and I really want to put my effort behind it.

So, here's the plan. For the month of June, each day of each week (and partial week) will have a theme. I will try to take a photo every day that I'm happy enough with to post, with as little editing as possible - except for the first and last weeks, since they will require editing as a rule.

The breakdown is as follows:
June 1 -4: IR photos
June 5-11: Macro
June 12-18: Animals
June 19-25: Texture
June 26-30: Black & White/High contrast photos

I think that having a theme every week will help me focus more. I'm toying with the idea of making it into a theme every day of the week, and just have those themes repeat, but until I decide for certain, it'll be theme week.

Fingers crossed I can keep it up!!

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